Sunday, January 31, 2010


oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh..its been long time i'm not writing on my blog..riiiindduuu nye..sorry guys,,i'm sooo busy wif my assginment..every week we have to complete our assginment..i think that uncle is going crazy..i do need time for my own man..sometimes i feel like i wanna escape n go to some place that only i noe..tsktsktsk -.-..lots of things happen to me for this couple,last saturday me n my gff were having fun at the sgt coz ktorg pon da lame x hang out..i miss them soooo much..n i miss my syggg too..i feel like years we don't meet each other..years ke??? bahahahaha..oh lord,,do make me strong to face the reality that being so cruel to yg ak merepek ni,,lalalalal just ignore my words..guys,,gtg now..i wanna do my report n assginment..xnak xnak xnak sobsobsob -.-..'till we meet again guys..

terima kasih kerana like entry ini :)

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